What would a Trump presidency mean for Autistics?

By Helen Said, Autistic advocate, Melbourne, Australia

Trigger warning- discussion of Autism misinformation

How would a newly elected US President Donald Trump treat Autistics? Let's look at the way he treated William Trump, the son of his nephew Fred III.

Cutting disabled relative’s health insurance

Shortly after he was born, Donald Trump’s grand-nephew, William Trump, was diagnosed with infantile spasms, which could lead to seizures, cerebral palsy or Autism. According to William’s father, Fred III, Donald Trump never visited his critically ill grand-nephew in hospital. Donald Trump’s father, Fred Snr, had intended for William to be covered by his company’s health insurance, but during a family legal dispute over Fred Snr’s will, Donald Trump and his surviving siblings pulled William off the health insurance plan.

According to the New Zealand Herald,

"When (Fred III) sued us, we said, 'Why should we give him medical coverage?'" the future president told The New York Daily News in 2000.

The paper asked him whether he thought the move could look cold-hearted, "given the young child's medical condition".

"I can't help that," Trump said.



Supporting an Autism “cure”

Much has been said about Trump’s support for Autism Awareness during his 2016-2020 presidency. On April 2nd 2017, the White House was lit up blue and Trump issued a statement calling for “new treatments and cures for autism.” Autistic activists, however, are not so impressed. Lighting up blue for Autism Awareness is in fact a campaign of Autism Speaks, which became infamous for labelling Autism as a burden and a tragedy. The overwhelming majority of Autistics do not seek a cure and instead wish to live as our authentic selves. In fact, renowned Autism experts such as Dr Temple Grandin, Prof Simon Baron-Cohen and Prof Tony Attwood believe Autistic genes are a natural genetic variation responsible for much of humanity’s innovation and scientific advancement, but Trump has never acknowledged this.

Promoting debunked vaccine-Autism link

Donald Trump tweeted, "Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

11:35 PM · Mar 28, 2014"

Donald Trump has been spreading misinformation about Autism since his first presidential election campaign. As reported in the Healio Paediatrics website

“During the 2015 Republican presidential debate, Trump noted that “autism has become an epidemic,” and – citing the famously debunked 1998 research of Andrew Wakefield linking autism to measles-mumps-rubella vaccines – proposed “alternative” immunization schedules and the possible benefit of delaying vaccination…..

“There is no ‘alternative’ immunization schedule,” Karen Remley, MD, MBA, MPH, executive director and CEO of the AAP, said in a press release. “Delaying vaccines only leaves a child at risk of disease for a longer period of time; it does not make vaccinating safer. Vaccines work, plain and simple. Vaccines are one of the safest, most effective and most important medical innovations of our time. Pediatricians partner with parents to provide what is best for their child, and what is best is for children to be fully vaccinated.”


As recently as mid July 2024, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump continued espousing conspiracy theories about vaccines to independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jnr. In a video which Trump has attempted to pull from the internet, according to AP Fact Focus, the following conversation took place:

TRUMP: “A vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines and it looks like it’s meant for a horse, not a, you know, 10-pound or 20-pound baby” and “then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically. I’ve seen it too many times. And then you hear that it doesn’t have an impact, right?”

THE FACTS: There are no 38-disease shots. Babies or toddlers may get four or five vaccinations during a check-up to protect them against dangerous and deadly diseases. The American Academy of Pediatricians is adamant that a handful of vaccines does not overwhelm a healthy tot’s immune system. After all, babies’ immune systems are strong enough to handle the huge number of everyday germs they encounter.


It is a slur on Autistics, to describe our natural genetic attributes as an “epidemic” in need of a “cure” and a form of vaccine damage. In recent years, over a million Americans have died from covid. Many of these deaths are surely attributable to vaccine scepticism, which has been fuelled by Wakefield, Kennedy and Trump.


Project 2025

Project 2025 describes itself as a “presidential transition project” which aims to “rescue” the United States from “the grip of the radical Left”.

According to social media posts made by Robert Reich, Professor, former Secretary of Labor, Co-founder Inequality Media:

Trump is now desperately trying to distance himself from Project 2025, claiming he has "no idea who is behind it."

Don't be fooled. The playbook is written by more than 20 officials Trump appointed in his first term. It is the clearest vision we have of a 2nd Trump presidency. This is some of what it entails:

Disadvantaging diverse students

Donald Trump has vowed to defund schools which have practices he doesn’t support. If elected, he will defund schools that require students to be vaccinated or to wear face masks during a pandemic. This means that preventable diseases like measles, whooping cough and pertussis will increasingly be doing the rounds in American schools and any new pandemic could spread like wildfire amongst school children and their families. All children will be unsafe but vulnerable disabled children with health problems will be extremely unsafe at schools.

Ironically Trump’s support for the gun lobby doesn’t seem to be wavering since being shot in the ear. He refuses to believe that his support for the gun lobby is in any way responsible for school shootings. He considers critical race theory and transgender education far more dangerous to children than widespread gun ownership and will defund schools which include these subjects. It is well known that there is a higher incidence of transsexualism and gender dysphoria amongst Autistics, and Autism acceptance will only suffer with the ban on teaching children to accept gender differences.

The Oxford dictionary describes critical race theory as “a set of ideas holding that racial bias is inherent in many parts of western society, especially in its legal and social institutions, on the basis of their having been primarily designed for and implemented by white people.”

If we are not allowed to teach that society disadvantages People of Colour through being designed primarily for whites, how are we ever going to be allowed to teach that society disadvantages Autistics by being designed for neurotypicals? In a Trump-led USA, Autistics will need to be prevented, treated and cured, as his statements have already indicated, not better understood and accepted.

According to Nancy Bailey’s Education Website

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is generally troubling, and its education plan is worrisome. It involves Milton Friedman’s undemocratic ideas to privatize public education, and its voucher plan for students with disabilities will continue to end public school services as we know them….

Project 2025 wishes to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE)…
The Fallacy of Choice: The Destructive Effect of School Vouchers on Children with Disabilities 
by Farrel and Marx, also states:

School voucher programs require students with disabilities to sign away their robust federal rights and protections in the public school system. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)—the preeminent legislative safeguard for students with disabilities—these rights include the right to a “free and appropriate public education” delivered through an “individualized education plan.” By giving up these protections, children with disabilities are left at the mercy of private schools that have no legal obligation to provide them with an appropriate education, and, in the vast majority of cases, are not legally prohibited from discriminating against them on the basis of their disability.


How will this affect us here in Australia? We already have right wing politicians who support Donald Trump. Queensland’s One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson has previously cast doubts on the safety of vaccines and in 2017 called for the removal of Autistic students from regular classrooms. Conservative commentator, Newscorp journalist Andrew Bolt has chimed in, insulting Autistic climate activist Greta Thunberg in his opinion pieces. A second Trump presidency will bring craven Trumplings out of the woodwork all around the world.

But there is a sign of hope for American Autistics. During the 2016 election campaign, as reported in NBC News:


When asked in a recent Bloomberg poll [2016] what bothered them most about Donald Trump — of a slew of controversies — likely voters picked one action above all others: When the candidate mocked a reporter with a disability last November.









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